
Back in Adelaide!!

Woootnesss!!!! I'm back in Adelaide! :D

Other than being my silly forgetful self again (by leaving my scarf behind, having to ask one of the meds (Priya) to bring it back for me when her placement ends), all was good.

Xiang offered to drive me, Tang and Priya back to Adelaide and it was great.. Well, it is, if you minus the DJ Tang song selections epic fail and the heart attack that me and Priya had when Xiang suddenly shouted 'JACKKKKK!!!!' to wake Tang up.

That seriously took a few years out of our lives..

Then I was back unpacking stuff for a few hours.. and it was time for the 'nyonya nite' at Sumin's. Holy crap.. the sambal and curry were...
Luckily there weren't any casualties the next day.

And then there was the date last night. I still can't believe how nice it was. :) T, you've exceeded my expectations. I think you're a keeper. ;)

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