

I know it's been long since I've updated the blog (again). My excuse this time being the infamous one that everyone absolutely likes to use - busy. With tests every week and work occupying my remaining free time, I've been a walking zombie in the past few weeks. And there's another test coming up on Wednesday. *silent screams*

But I digress. My "rant" today isn't about how hectic my life is or whatnot. Rather, I've recently found myself in a rather sticky situation. Yes.. I realised that I'm stuck! Rather, I'm stuck in an infinite loop.

Why is it that every time a guy likes me, I will think of him. And then I'll get all depressed about the whole thing and think that I can never ever move on? And then I'll try to think positive, pull myself back up, and go on. And then the whole thing repeats itself, and it's wash, lather, rinse, repeat all over again.

This is really tiring and is sapping all the positiveness outta my life. I really wish that I can forget about everything soon. And it's not like I don't want to move on. I really do. And it's not like I think about him that much anymore. Okay. That's actually a lie. I still do. I'm still chasing after his shadow everywhere I go. But the moving on part was real.

Urgghh.. I really just do feel like crap. Oh well, at least I have tests and work keeping me busy from thinking about all this shit.

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