
Of choices and decisions..

So I haven't been updating the blog much these days. Partly because I just had my finals last week. @.@

That and I just started work at a pharmacy. Before you guys ask if that's where I'm doing my internship next year, I dunno yet. The pharmacist told me to do work experience first because he wants to see how I work and stuff, and I've only worked for 2 days so far. But it's been good so far. I'm familiar with Fred Dispensing, haven't had any dispensing errors, and I managed to find the meds pretty well. And to think I even put a script through right after arriving on my first day, before I even had a chance to put my bag down.

Well, the pharmacy is small, but it's a nice place to work in. Contrary to my (initial) beliefs, the pharmacy had Webster-pakings and the methadone program. So I guess, it's not all too bad. And they get about an average of 15 doctor's bags orders each month. It's actually doing pretty good for a pharmacy of that size.

The second day of work, I got introduced to an SA PSA board member. Talk about connections! Apparently he goes in there to do work experience every week to keep up with times. And the first question I got asked by him was, "Were you one of the girls who got drunk during the ball?" -____-;

All in all, the week has been both hectic and peaceful. @.@ I hope I can survive AP401 with work and everything. I almost fainted when I saw our lecture outline in the CIB. The only conclusion that I can come up with after seeing it is that the uni is trying to kill us. The workload looks even more daunting than AP400, which was already crazy enough to drive everyone mad. e_e

Other than that, I had my phone interview yesterday. I think I blew yet another big opportunity as I think the hospital have the intention of keeping interns as registered pharmacists post-internship. *sighs* :( :(

But oh well, I guess at least it saves me from the headache of deciding on where I should work at next year.

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