
Long Kiss Good Bye - HALCALI

One of my fav songs (because of the awesome bass!) :)

Guess it can kind of represent my feelings now too..



I know it's been long since I've updated the blog (again). My excuse this time being the infamous one that everyone absolutely likes to use - busy. With tests every week and work occupying my remaining free time, I've been a walking zombie in the past few weeks. And there's another test coming up on Wednesday. *silent screams*

But I digress. My "rant" today isn't about how hectic my life is or whatnot. Rather, I've recently found myself in a rather sticky situation. Yes.. I realised that I'm stuck! Rather, I'm stuck in an infinite loop.

Why is it that every time a guy likes me, I will think of him. And then I'll get all depressed about the whole thing and think that I can never ever move on? And then I'll try to think positive, pull myself back up, and go on. And then the whole thing repeats itself, and it's wash, lather, rinse, repeat all over again.

This is really tiring and is sapping all the positiveness outta my life. I really wish that I can forget about everything soon. And it's not like I don't want to move on. I really do. And it's not like I think about him that much anymore. Okay. That's actually a lie. I still do. I'm still chasing after his shadow everywhere I go. But the moving on part was real.

Urgghh.. I really just do feel like crap. Oh well, at least I have tests and work keeping me busy from thinking about all this shit.



Awww.. I had the sudden urge to listen to 王力宏 (Lee Hom). So here's 大城小爱 (Small love in a big city):


Of choices and decisions..

So I haven't been updating the blog much these days. Partly because I just had my finals last week. @.@

That and I just started work at a pharmacy. Before you guys ask if that's where I'm doing my internship next year, I dunno yet. The pharmacist told me to do work experience first because he wants to see how I work and stuff, and I've only worked for 2 days so far. But it's been good so far. I'm familiar with Fred Dispensing, haven't had any dispensing errors, and I managed to find the meds pretty well. And to think I even put a script through right after arriving on my first day, before I even had a chance to put my bag down.

Well, the pharmacy is small, but it's a nice place to work in. Contrary to my (initial) beliefs, the pharmacy had Webster-pakings and the methadone program. So I guess, it's not all too bad. And they get about an average of 15 doctor's bags orders each month. It's actually doing pretty good for a pharmacy of that size.

The second day of work, I got introduced to an SA PSA board member. Talk about connections! Apparently he goes in there to do work experience every week to keep up with times. And the first question I got asked by him was, "Were you one of the girls who got drunk during the ball?" -____-;

All in all, the week has been both hectic and peaceful. @.@ I hope I can survive AP401 with work and everything. I almost fainted when I saw our lecture outline in the CIB. The only conclusion that I can come up with after seeing it is that the uni is trying to kill us. The workload looks even more daunting than AP400, which was already crazy enough to drive everyone mad. e_e

Other than that, I had my phone interview yesterday. I think I blew yet another big opportunity as I think the hospital have the intention of keeping interns as registered pharmacists post-internship. *sighs* :( :(

But oh well, I guess at least it saves me from the headache of deciding on where I should work at next year.


Of dreams and premos..

It's been a month since my last update. And it seems that all my updates are about..

Oh well..

I had a dream about him last night. And oddly enough, it felt like another premonition. At least, that was what my gut feeling was telling me. It was so painful to see the dream, being so real, that I cried so badly in it, and literally woke up in tears.

I guess, the one thing that this whole thing has taught me is to never take your loved ones for granted. Cherish them. Because you'll just never know what will happen in the future. Life is weird, and warped, just like that.

I guess I won't be able to let him go anytime soon, maybe not at all for the rest of my life. But maybe, just maybe one day, I would be able to do what I did in the dream/premo. At least that's what I'm hoping for.

Thanks so much for all the memories. It was really one crazy hell of a roller coaster ride.