
A closure

Sorry for not updating much. Was super busy with the post-placement assignment rushing and the cultural concert/play that took place last Saturday. And try slotting in shopping for souvenirs, sending cards and packing in between.

Anyway, I'm just glad that those 2 big stuff are all over.

The placement was great overall and I did the best I could with my written case study. :) All that's left is my next placement in Pt Pirie starting in June.

About the cultural concert, it was a SUCCESS!!! Woohoo!! The shadow scene was successful, and the audience were generally impressed and happy with our play. I'm glad everything went great, and even the 'unexpected events' during the play added to the dramatic effects. XD (Like the apple dropping during the 'awe' scene, and the tree falling off during the Mara scene.)

Anyways, it's all good. And here I am sitting on the couch, typing away on my laptop, which is conveniently parked in front of the huge flat screen TV in my house in Malaysia. Still need some time getting used to the huge screen, after spending so long in Adelaide with that small idiot box.

With good food, shopping, shopping and more shopping, what could one possibly hope for more eh? But I digress. I'm now in the middle of 'emo-ing'. *sighs*

I think most of my close friends would know what I'm talking about. Yes yes, it's about a guy.
Should I give him up? Should I keep hanging on? Deep in my heart, I know that option 1 is for the best, but somehow, I just hope that it will be different.. somehow.. (which is kinda impossible for us, at this point of our lives.. I think..)

I need to bring this to a closure. He's possibly stalking my fb (or cookies forbid, this very post on my blog), or waiting for a new message from me, but I can't do it. I can't let this drag on anymore and cause my heart to break any further. On one hand, I would appreciate it if he would be honest and tell me that we (or more precisely, I) should put a stop on this never-ending roundabout. But on the other, I would totally shatter into pieces if he said so.

Guess I'll just let time deal with it. I'm sure that I am strong enough for this. :)


Whyalla - Day 22

It's my last week of placement! Time passes by so fast. @.@

Anyways, today has been the funnest day. :)
And yesterday was the busiest day ever. Had so many scripts coming in.

Today, I got conned into having my flu vaccination. Yes. I got conned. But you can't blame me! The lady had lollies!!!
Right after I had my shot, the pharmacist touched my shoulder and I was like 'Holy crap!!!' *silent scream* XD

Arm's still a little sore. Hope I won't roll onto that arm when I'm asleep tonight.

Other than the FluVax, I learnt how to do some manipulations on injectables today. o.o Learnt lots of tips on making the injection solutions, and drawing out them syringes. Gotta love positive and negative airflow! Makes mundane things interesting! :) I certainly hope that I'll get to do more of this stuff (especially chemo) if I get to work in a hospital someday.

Oh and I got to know a weird side of the pharm techs today. Apparently some guy's aftershave gets into the vent and into the pharmacy from time to time. You should have seen the techs running under the vent trying to sniff the sunlights out of the vent. Up to the point when one of them said, "You never know, it might be an ugly guy wearing the aftershave!" Everyone just burst out laughing.

Anyway, I can't wait to get back to Adelaide. But then again, I don't! I can't imagine doing the dessert. 15 kilos of sweet potatoes horror! Arghh!
But I'd rather do the potatoes than being stuck in Whyalla missing someone. >_<

All righty. Gotta do some reading and try to finish the last few exercises in my workbook before heading out to uni later for the Acute Coronary Syndrome broadcast thingamabob.

Signing off,


Whyalla - Day 16

Sorry for the lack of updates. The past week has been kinda tiring and mostly uneventful so I didn't do any updates.

Nothing much happened the last week but I did go for the PSA endocrinology seminar at Pt Augusta on Sunday. It was quite informative and everyone got to unleash their sadistic sides by pricking their own fingers to do BGL testings on different machines. @_@ When I saw the 3rd machine, I kinda died. But luckily we stopped at 2 and just looked at the 3rd.

Anyways, yesterday (Day 15 - Monday), Helen and Chris came to the hospital to find me. Alas, they came at the worst possible time. Gilbert, my preceptor was in a meeting with some IT and finance people about the medicine datebase transfer thingy, while I was at the wards doing my rounds. It was a miracle that they managed to finally find me at the Surgical Ward. Okay, that was a bit of an exaggeration since the hospital only had 4 main wards in addition to theatre and day surgery unit which I obviously won't be at.

Anyway, they approached me when a patient was asking me to identify her pill which dropped on the floor in the morning. EGADS! I don't have me PDA with me (and even if I do, I don't have the eMIMS), but anyway, I was having a hard time trying to figure out what on earth is that pill. (Pt was on more than 10 meds btw).

In the end, we deduced it was perindopril since the tablet had a PE-4 on it. (And it turned out to be right. Even though it was a diff brand and strength on the medication chart. o.o;;)

Anyways, Helen and Chris said that they'll be back in the afternoon to talk about the placement and workbook and stuff. Meanwhile, I went to all the wards (excluding HDU), to look at meds charts. @_@ Oh joy!

Fast-forward to afternoon. Helen came back when I was picking up imprest items! Arghh! Fridge items! >_< Luckily our clever pharm tech knew that I took out fridge items and continued doing my imprest stuff. Meanwhile, me, Helen and Gilbert had a long talk about the placements, workbooks and whatnot. Turned into a very interesting convo about job applications, job offers and how Helen managed to convince the Uni to let her travel by air. How unfair! :p She gets to go on a plane while we get to get stuck at the back of the bus for 5-6 hours! XD

Anyways, the day wasn't that interesting. Other than the part where I got lost. Yes. I got so freaking lost IN WHYALLA! Can you imagine that!
I was at the leisure centre for a swim and went to cheer on the pharmacy staff playing netball there. When it ended, my inflated ego told me that I would be able to find my way back. My destination was UniSA as there's a shortcut back to the Uni Village, but I ended up at some business centre. Was walking in circles, thinking it was the Uni, and trying to find that shortcut path. In the end, I realised that it was the wrong building and UniSA was the building next to it... -___-;;

So yeah, it was good fun trying to find my way back though. Ended up having to use Google Map. XD

As for day 16? Well, nothing much again, other than making potassium permanganate solution, calling a doc to clarify on a med dose, calling the RAH's pharmacy's drug info pharmacist (which ended up in me teaching her instead of her answering my question.. -_-;) and going to the IPL tute.

It's been a long day. I guess I'll go take a shower and turn in early tonight.

Signing of,