
A closure

Sorry for not updating much. Was super busy with the post-placement assignment rushing and the cultural concert/play that took place last Saturday. And try slotting in shopping for souvenirs, sending cards and packing in between.

Anyway, I'm just glad that those 2 big stuff are all over.

The placement was great overall and I did the best I could with my written case study. :) All that's left is my next placement in Pt Pirie starting in June.

About the cultural concert, it was a SUCCESS!!! Woohoo!! The shadow scene was successful, and the audience were generally impressed and happy with our play. I'm glad everything went great, and even the 'unexpected events' during the play added to the dramatic effects. XD (Like the apple dropping during the 'awe' scene, and the tree falling off during the Mara scene.)

Anyways, it's all good. And here I am sitting on the couch, typing away on my laptop, which is conveniently parked in front of the huge flat screen TV in my house in Malaysia. Still need some time getting used to the huge screen, after spending so long in Adelaide with that small idiot box.

With good food, shopping, shopping and more shopping, what could one possibly hope for more eh? But I digress. I'm now in the middle of 'emo-ing'. *sighs*

I think most of my close friends would know what I'm talking about. Yes yes, it's about a guy.
Should I give him up? Should I keep hanging on? Deep in my heart, I know that option 1 is for the best, but somehow, I just hope that it will be different.. somehow.. (which is kinda impossible for us, at this point of our lives.. I think..)

I need to bring this to a closure. He's possibly stalking my fb (or cookies forbid, this very post on my blog), or waiting for a new message from me, but I can't do it. I can't let this drag on anymore and cause my heart to break any further. On one hand, I would appreciate it if he would be honest and tell me that we (or more precisely, I) should put a stop on this never-ending roundabout. But on the other, I would totally shatter into pieces if he said so.

Guess I'll just let time deal with it. I'm sure that I am strong enough for this. :)

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