
Random rant about guys

Urghh.. I just feel like ranting after all these cooped up feelings.
Men are all bastards and should just die.
They are all the same. They either want you for sex, or your money. Or worse, both. D:

When girls fall for guys, we give them our UNCONDITIONAL love. But what do we get in return? BETRAYAL.

Guys would just trample all over your feelings, and:
a) Cheat on you
b) Cheat you of your moolah
c) Play with your feelings
d) All of the above

Argghh!! I'm so sick and tired of all these nonsense. *sighs*

Okay, I know that some people would beg to differ. And I know that not ALL men are like that. Especially those in my close circle of friends. But I'm sure most girls have encountered these kind of jerks. And I just want to rant anyway.

My friend said this to me the other day when I told her my story: Men are crocodiles! Beware of them.
Well, in my opinion, I don't think they're crocodiles. They're just 2-faced sly and conniving (and hungry) wolves in sheep skins, who deserve to have the lights punched out of them.
(Inner Val: Sheesh Val, calm down already.)

WHATEVER HAPPENED TO ALL THE GOOD GUYS??? They're like extinctedededed!
*sighs* :(

And for the last time, I'm not a bitch. If you want sex, go find a whore. If you want money, go to the bank. Thank you very much. x_x

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