
Teriyaki Stir Fry

Phew! Finally exams are over! The other day, I made this fast teriyaki stir fry. It's not too hard to make and it can be cooked very quickly.

Here's a picture of it:

- Contains rice, mushrooms, broccoli, carrots, mushroom balls, garlic, ginger, oil, black pepper, mirin, sake, soy sauce and honey.

If anyone is interested (though I doubt it), here's what I did:
- First you need to cook rice (DUH!). Mine were leftovers so I just heated them in the microwave.
- For the main dish, first cut up everything (ginger, garlic, mushrooms, broccoli, carrots, mushroom balls or any meat you desire).
- In a bowl, mix mirin, sake, soy sauce and honey. Marinade all the veg and meat in there.
- Heat pan or wok. Add oil and fry ginger and garlic. Then add in the marinated veg and meat. Strain the veg/meat of the marinade as much as possible or else the pan/wok is gonna sputter like mad and you'll do a heck of a cleaning after that.
- Stir fry until the veg and meat looks cooked to you. Add in the leftovers of the marinade and continue cooking till the sauce is almost gone.
- Serve up! :)


A break-in or shall I say a breakthrough?

I got a phone call from my mom earlier, and she was telling me that the house got broken into. It was either luck or a twist of fate that (almost) no one was at home. My dad was at work, mom felt that it has been a while since she last went shopping at KL so she was out. Sister was at lectures, and the only person left at home was my brother, who miraculously managed to sleep through the whole incident.

Anyways, no one was hurt and the only things taken were a few thousand bucks worth of cash and 2 laptops. Everything else such as jeweleries, antiques and electrical/electronic stuff were left behind. They were probably in a rush or something.

I believe that people do not do bad deeds because they like doing them. I'd like to believe that no one on this earth is essentially evil. They probably had a reason doing things like this. I say this also because I think that humans are cowards. Through out my life (even though I'm not that old. NO I'M NOT!!!), I've seen many people who like to take the "easy" or routine way out things or problems because they don't want to get themselves into trouble.

Yeah well, and anyways, it's just cash. You can always earn them back. I know some people reading this might cringe at the thought of what I just said, but I stand firm on my views. Everything that has a matter will eventually be destroyed and nothing is permanent. If the money managed to save them from whatever situation they were in, then it's good for them that with it, they'll be able to solve their problems.

I just hope that they understand that doing things like this is wrong and that they don't do it anymore, for both their and others' sakes.

So yeah. The purpose of this post today is not to rant or tell everyone about how my house got broken into. It's just to remind everyone not to focus too much on materialistic stuff that you lose focus in what's more important in life - health, family, friends and happiness. Remember that whatever you do, or whatever life throws at you, do try to enjoy the trip.

- By the way, my parents will probably kill me if they read this post. -_-;;
- Also, if you're wondering about the title of the post, the breakthrough part, I'm referring that to my brother's abilities to sleep through anything. Let's all hope the house doesn't catch fire..


Hiyashi Chuuka!

Just made some Hiyashi Chuuka today.

While I was making the gomadare, which requires ground sesame seeds, I had a brilliant (and stupid) idea. Why not do it using a pepper mill? Let's just say it doesn't work. So after the whole mess in the kitchen with sesame seeds falling everywhere, I went back to the old school way to do it - a knife.

Maybe I should buy a mortar and pestle soon..

Anyways, here's a pic of the finished dish..

Doesn't look all that pretty but yeah..
And when I almost finished my plate, I realised that I forgot all about the ginger... >_<
Ah well, maybe next time.. :)


Tea party anyone?

Hmm.. Kinda feeling distracted from studying and stuff lately.
SWOT-Vac can be just so boring and demotivating.
Must fill head with thoughts of interesting stuff!!!

SO!! I've come up with a plan!
I think I'd like to hold a tea party at my place sometime after the exams!!
We'll have tea (duh), cupcakes, cookies and the sort..
Whatcha think?

On another note, I've just bought ingredients to make 冷やし中華 Hiyashi Chuuka. Yes I know it's not summer but the weather's so hot and I like eating it. =p~~~
Will post pics when I make them. ^.^

By the way, if you guys would like a recipe for it:
冷やし中華 Hiyashi Chuuka - Just Hungry


髮如雪 Fa Ru Xue

Hmm.. I can say that I don't really listen to Chinese music anymore but I still listen to some songs because my sister used to blast them loud from her laptop.

Anyways, one of the songs that I really like is Jay Chou's 髮如雪 Fa Ru Xue (Snow-like Hair). It's about the departing of a loved one and waiting for the next reincarnations. :)

This video has English subtitles for those who don't understand Chinese.


Dreams - A sad love song

I'm currently addicted to HIGH and MIGHTY COLOR's "Dreams". A very different genre from their usual rock. This song has been around since 2007, so it still features Maakii, the ex-female vocalist. Maakii's and Yuusuke's vocals are awesome! Enjoy!


Unlimited Sky - Acoustic

Hmm.. I recently found out that there's an acoustic version of "Unlimited Sky" by Tommy heavenly6. Enjoy!


A brief description

This post is just a brief description of me and the sites that I linked to.
On the right hand corner of the blog, you'll be able to find my 好きなリンクス, aka my favourite links. These are the sites that I can't live without.

Part 1: 料理 Food.
I have always been a fan of food, be it cooking and baking from scratch, instant cooking as I like to call it (cooking food in the shortest amount of time), or eating.
My favourite type of food (to both make and eat) is dessert! 甘いだから!Both me and the dessert! Lolz..
Apart from dessert, I like to cook 日本料理 Japanese Cuisine.
This brings us to the first 2 links on the food column.

Just Hungry and Just Bento:
- These are the sites that I swear upon! I can't live without them! I have no idea how I lived my life before I found Maki's blogs on food.

- Maki is a Japanese expatriate, currently living in Switzerland. She currently blogs on her 2 sites, Just Hungry and Just Bento.
- Just Hungry is a site with recipes for various food, but more specifically 日本料理. Here, she teaches from the very beginning, so you can learn everything from scratch. Just Bento, on the other hand, focuses more on bento making. Here, you can find recipes that are easy and simple to make for bento purposes, as well as tips on how to make good bento, チャラ弁 Charaben making, bento supplies as well as how to manage your time to make bento lunches.

- Most of her recipes are easy to follow and are quite simple to make. There are also more challenging recipes that you can try out if you feel the need to challenge your cooking skills (eg. カステラ Casutella, Mayonnaise, and even 梅干 Umeboshi!)

All recipes:
- I use this site mainly to find recipes for desserts, such as cupcakes, muffins, dolce (cakes) and the like.
- There are many good recipes but do make sure to look out for the credibility of the recipes by reading user comments. Good recipes tend to have higher ratings and more comments on it.

Part 2: 音楽 Music
I mainly listen to pop and rock, and some Japanese songs as well. A site that offers downloads for anime music is Gendou. I usually get my Japanese songs from there, if they're anime in origin.

Part 3: アニメと漫画 Anime and Manga
The sites listed here are sites related to anime and manga. I don't think I need to explain all of them as I've already written some details after the sites, so the rest are up to you to explore. ;)

Part 4: その他の Others
I don't think I need to explain much about this part as well as they're either self-explanatory or that they're famous enough for me to explain. :p

So yeah, that's about it. I know that I've written "A brief description" as the title but it doesn't really feel brief anymore ね? :p
I'll just leave my post at here and let you guys do the exploring! :)




Hmm.. I don't really know how I should put my 気持 in Japanese right now so I'll just continue in English. Hopefully I'll be able to maintain the blog again.
