
Whyalla - Day 0

So... the bus finally reached Whyalla... an hour late. Poor Chris Thompson (SGRSH Pharmacy Coordinator guy) who was supposed to pick us up. Anyway, he brought me and Phaik Wen to tour around the city, with the 1st stop being Westland Shopping Centre. As we got off his car, guess who I bumped into!!! EDWIN CHIA! OMG, didn't expect to see him there coz I thought he was working at Crystal Brooke or something.

Anyway, our first stop at the Shopping Centre was Monarch Chemmart Pharmacy - Phaik Wen's workplace. We then went shopping at Coles (Open 9am to 9pm, 7 days a week!), where we bought a few urgent neccessities - food.

The next stop was then Whyalla Hospital, where I will be working at for the next month or so. The hospital is small, and the pharmacy was on the Ground Level itself. Hoorah for small hospitals and easy-to-find pharmacies!! *remembers getting lost at the Repat Hospital* -__-;;

We then went for some short sight-seeing at umm... Hummock Hill? Can't remember the name at the top of my head, but then again, I can't remember names to save my life. (And another confession, I only recalled Edwin's name about an hour ago.) Anyway, back to the topic.. There at the hill, Chris gave us some brief info and history about Whyalla and how it used to be as a ore and smelting industrial place back in the days.

He also enlightened us with a joke, saying how he saw a mother freaked out once, when she noticed her children playing at the shore, as the water level was up to their necks. As she yelled at them to get out of the water, the children unwillingly stood up, and surprise, surprise, the water was actually only up to their feet! XD The children were actually sitting/lying down at the shallow parts of the sea. The poor mum then turned away embarassed. LOL!

We were also told that we could spot dolphins on weekends when the fishing boats arrive at the shore. Apparently, Chris managed to get within a hand's length away from the dolphins! Hehe, now I know what I'll be doing during this weekend. Apparently, there are also places for fishing. Too bad I don't have a rod with me huh..

Our final destination for the day was the Uni Village, where me and Phaik Wen will be staying at for our placement duration. There are 3 other people staying in this 7-room unit: 2 nursing students and a med student. One funny thing was that the med student (Tristan) got locked out of his room, and still is, as I'm typing. The poor guy..

And then the fun part arrived: UNPACKING!!! WHEEE!!! Didn't take long for me to unpack everything and realise that hangers weren't provided in the rooms. And many things aren't available in the unit as well, such as bowls, certain cooking utensils and stuff. It really makes one wonder how the other 3 managed to survive without having those basic stuff.

Also, that reminds me that I would have to drop by the shopping centre to get the stuff. Phaik Wen and I had also already planned that we will be walking back to the Uni Village after getting our groceries. Now let's all keep our fingers and toes crossed that the both of us do not end up lost tomorrow.

3 件のコメント:

Rushi Youth Group さんのコメント...

good that u used english for this...I had trouble trying to figure out which one is for comment

Huey さんのコメント...

Hei girl....you seriously can forget EDWIN??!!!! and ya.....nice knowing you are getting well! Did you eat from tree leaves these days prior to getting your own bowl?? oh oh oh...and eating with your hands??

Rei さんのコメント...

Aiyo.. You know I'm so forgetful lar..

They have bowls here in the Uni Village.. -_-
But there are only 2 though... Had to wash a bowl that me and my friend were using to put mushrooms so that the med student can eat his pasta the other day. Or else he had to use leaves d. Hahaha!!