
Whyalla - Day 1

Guess who I bumped into on day 2?? Tung Wei!! Hahaha! SA is such a small small place. Or maybe just Whyalla.
Anyways, me and Phaik Wen managed to ask her to lend us some hangers. Hahaha! Saves us from buying them.

So how was my first day at the hospital? Tiring and boring. Since my preceptor wasn't around, there was a relief pharmacist there instead. So he can't really go through my workbook with me since he's not my tutor. There are not many patients around and I can't really do patient counselling since there aren't any to counsel. Maybe I should ask if I could do it, if there are patients around. Anyway, what I was basically doing the whole day was helping the 2 other pharm techs do the imprest at the wards.

(In caveman language, that means going to the wards, check what meds they need, bring back the leftover meds from patients that have been discharged, go back to the pharmacy, put the leftover meds in the boxes to be "recycled", get the meds the wards need, and then go back to the wards to stock them up.)

Oh and the relief pharmacist (John) was too funny! He's a sarcastic person who has nothing good to say at all, but he promised that he'll think of something nice to say for the week. XD Not to mention that he tried to take my pen when I wasn't looking. And there I was hunting high and low for my pen, when the pharm tech told me that it's probably him who took it. And it turned out to be him! But he didn't confess. What he did next was just too cute!
He hid my pen with him, came out of his office, went to 1 of the aisles, then came to me and said that he found it!! LOL!!

He's a really funny guy and he even promised to give me his 2009 version of AMH since he's not using it anymore!! :D (Mine's 2008 by the way.) How nice of him! :D And when I asked him what time's lunch, he replied, "Anywhere from 12.30 to 4.30pm." (Working hours at the hospital is actually 8.45 to 4.45, and lunch hour is supposed to be 12.30 to 1pm)

When I told him that I won't be around at the pharmacy in the evening as I would be attending the diabetic info session, he said, "Well, what time does it end?" I replied, "I have no idea!" And then he said, "Well, just pretend that it ends at 4.45 and just don't come back! That's what I would do!" XD Anyway, it did end early and I got off at around 4.15. So I went back to the pharmacy and they all told me to go home early. How nice of them! :D

I also told them about my 10am diabtic nutrition session at the Shopping Centre tomoz, and John asked me to buy snacks for tea! XD

So yeah, that's basically it. Not much of things going on in the pharmacy. No angry patients complaining of long waiting time. NO COMPOUNDING!!! *horror* D:!!! No TDM till my preceptor gets back next week. No medication history taking either. Gah!

But on the bright side, I'll get to skip probably an hour or 2 of work tomorrow from the nutrition session, and then on Wednesday, I'll be going to do some drugs stuff at the onco ward! YAY!

Can't wait for that! :)

(P/s: In case you were wondering if me and Phaik Wen got lost, no we didn't. We ended up taking a cab back coz we were too freaking tired.)

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