
Whyalla here I come!

No, I didn't resort to using the puppy face. I managed to board a new G10 all the way down to the bus terminal at Chinatown. And I was carrying 2 heavy luggages, a laptop bag with a cooler in there, and a slingbag filled with heavy texts such as the AMH, some books and other neccessities. All by myself. *proud*

So there I was lugging those ridiculously heavy baggages to the bus stop and the station. When it was finally time for boarding, me and my friends got on the bus together. After waiting for eons, the driver announced that we have to switch buses as the bus we were on had some air-conditioning malfunctions.

And as i'm typing this, we've finally departed. All the best to me, the city girl trying to live in a rural area. (As if Adelaide isn't rural enough already! LOL!!!)

But this will definitely be a good experience, since it'll bring me a taste of what my dream job may be like. 頑張ります!

Signing off for now,

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